Another weekend, another update...

This weekend, I’m doing something I’ve been working on for a few weeks now, and am working on tidying up and preparing for release.

I’m a recent LOVEFiLM user - fell in love with the service fairly quickly, when Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom showed up at my door.  There are films that I haven’t seen but wanted to, but won’t go through the cost of buying on blu-ray.  There are, more importantly, games I’d like to play, but won’t buy because, quite frankly, they’re just not good enough, or probably not the kind of game I’m likely to finish.

But what I’ve found is that my interest is…  fleeting.  I know that I wanted to have seen a film when someone mentions something that triggers that memory - but unless I can do something about it right now, it’s never going to happen.

What you really want is a mobile client, oriented towards search and discovery, for helping you quickly get to (and add to your queue) films you’d like to see.

Working title was liveFiLM, but that’s a violation of their naming policy.  For now, it’s Phantoscope.


Sick days, Weathrman, and you

So I’m home sick today, and going through the laundry list of things I haven’t gotten around to recently.

Weathrman is on that list.

I’ve pushed a new version of the server that performs searches on behalf of app users up.  This is designed to do two things:  reduce the cost of running the service, and improve the search quality.

In order to reduce the cost, I’m going to do the obvious thing:  I’m going to produce fewer searches.  Specifically, that means:

  • Instead of asking for a 3-hour window, we’re asking for a 4-hour window around ‘now’.
  • Increase the search window from 3 months to 4 months (2 in either direction)
  • Fetch 4 pages of results instead of 5.
  • Reduce the minimum number of results needed at any search level from 5 to 3.
  • Remove street-level searching (level 16) - it too rarely has results, and just creates latency.

 This means our worst case goes from being 7 tiers of 5 parallel searches to being 6 tiers of 4 parallel searches.  It also means the average case, which cost 1 tier of 5 searches before we were likely to find any results, will now get faster, and I won’t be paying for that wasted time.

The downside is that I’m only fetching four pages of results; searches cover the entire four-month window, and it’s possible that none of the first four pages will have photos taken within the required time-of-day range; if that happens, we skip up a level.  Dropping one of the pages of search results makes that more likely, and it’s probably not completely mitigated by the widening of the 3-hour window to 4.  The net effect is that searches may feel… a little less local.

Hopefully, these changes mean I’ll be able to continue supporting this service for longer, and more cheaply.  Going back to the days when the client was responsible for performing all these searches just isn’t going to happen - it’s just too convenient to be able to run the searches from the server, and much more reliable.  It does mean that I’m bearing the cost of a free app - but as long as I can keep the costs down, I don’t mind.

Weathrman on holiday...

Let me start by saying I’m really happy with the app.  I still see amazing images, and I still hear lots of really positive things from users.

The problem is, there are a lot of them these days.  I took the App Store approach of making the app free for a while, to get more users, and more reviews, and figure out how many users I can handle without needing to pay too much for the AppEngine cost that backs the app is.

Unfortunately for me, I made it free.  When you do that on the Android Market, you can never charge for your app again.

There’s no point raging at my cow orkers, I’m sure they’ve got reasons for why it’s impossible for me to make the app paid again.  I’m sure it has something to do with some awful decision someone made at some point along the way that means I can never go back to a charging model.

It also means I have to be really careful about what I do - because the intention of being paid in the Android Market isn’t to make money - it’s to throttle new user signup and to offset the cost of running the service.

Effectively, this means I won’t be updating the app until they fix this.  I’ve halted all of the ad campaigns I was running, which were mostly for experimentation anyways, because I really *don’t* want new users now.  Usage has just fallen back into the ‘free’ zone, and so I’m out of pocket… oh, nearly 500 quid so far.  Which I don’t mind, don’t get me wrong - but I don’t want to be in a position to deny anyone service for the app I’ve built.

Now, I could do lots of retooling to make the whole experience faster.  I could remember where you are, and automatically perform searches against all locations that have queried within the last 72 hours so that your search is only over local data.  I could keep a thumbs-up/thumbs-down count, and apply some machine learning so you don’t get things that you don’t like.  I could do all kinds of stuff.

But it’s not safe for me, or my pocketbook, to do so.  This is, after all, a 5% hobby, not a job.  I’ve spent… oh, I’d guess about ten days of development time, spread across a few months, and could easily drop another 10 into just the server.  Once the server supported a more instantaneous search response, I could cache multiple images on the client and implement transitions.  Or just change it each time the screen powered.  And then there’s that all-important set of client-side preferences that I’d want every time I’m on holiday and only want it to fetch images over wifi - because while I’m willing to pay roaming charges for Google Maps, I’m not really interested in paying mobile carriers so that I can change my backdrop.

All this stuff I’d be doing, if only Android Market wasn’t making my life suck.  I apologise if that suckage spills over into your user experience; for those who paid their<50p to £1, depending on where in the throttle you ended up>, I hope you’ve gotten your money’s worth; it could be a while before you see an update.  For those getting a free ride, enjoy.

I’m not willing to follow the Market suggestions of changing the app name and uploading a different APK at a charging rate, because then I’m screwing the people who *did* pay out of an upgrade they deserve.  I think what we’re doing at Google is the wrong thing for the user.  Note I said ‘we’: I work here.  I just don’t work on a team in a position to fix this, and have too many 20% projects already to take on one more.

Someday, this will get fixed.  When it does, I’ve got ideas; I look forward to Weathrman backdrops on my Google TV, for example.  When there’s an SDK.  And a home screen that supports live wallpaper.  And a reimplementation of the client in RenderScript.  And client-controlled size restrictions to let users choose their resolution ‘window’.  And support for the new large image size at Flickr.   And…  And….  And…

My twelve step program is over.  I’ve gone through anger, and remorse, and all of the others, and am left with acceptance.

Weathrman 3.5.1: The Best Intentions

I’ve taken some time to do some internal cleanup; I’ve learned a great deal about Android’s programming model from building this and other projects, and it’s time to go back and re-apply some of that knowledge.

As such, I’ve restructured the bulk of execution in IntentService implementations, which has simplified a lot of the code; notification handling and update processing are now handled by dedicated services, rather than burying the whole processing chain in an AsyncTask.

We’ve lost a few things I’d like to have kept along the way, on the inside, but the code is cleaner and faster for it.

I’ve also done something I thought I’d never see myself do:  I’ve de-guiced the app.

Done well, I’m sure Guice is a good fit; but it’s a very small app, and moving to IntentService instances has basically meant that I’ve now got three independent application-parts that communicate by sending intents to one another.  What’s left isn’t worth Guicing.

What’s funny, and somewhat unfortunate, is that by coming to this with my server hat on, I missed the fact that Android applications don’t need to be built as the monolith binaries that Guice is designed to help break apart, and some of the tools at your disposal on android are designed to ensure that not only do you not need to allocate those objects, you can avoid most of the processing time you would have spent even thinking about those elements of the object graph - binding processing just isn’t free, and on mobile devices you might not see the cost, but you can feel it, almost imperceptibly.

So 3.5.1 is out; it’s got fixes for the cache growth problems, reaffirms my commitment to 2.1-based devices, and provides a much needed speed boost in both startup performance and, due to some more tweaking on my part, on the speed of image retrieval in many cases.

I’ve also tweaked the negative keywords associated with daytime searches on the server side; hopefully you’ll see improved search quality.

And for a short time, it’s free - I’m looking to get an idea of how active users correspond with server load, and giving away a free app is a cheap way of load testing.  :)

Weathrman 3.1: The Freshmaker

Lots of minor tweaks going into this.

For a long time now, doubletapping has been problematic.  I install a double-tap handler the same way anyone else would, but end up seeing events that belong to the foreground application.  Android has a mechanism for wallpapers to see only two possible gestures out of all of the ones an Android can handle: a tap, and a drop.

I’ve constructed a (very) simple double-tap handler out of the tap events sent via onCommand(), instead of installing a gesture detector, in the hopes of getting rid of these ‘false positives’ that result in the information-about-this-image dialog appearing too often.

I’ve also removed, you might be happy to hear, all analytics tracking.  Its primary use was to send back stack traces and errors back, so that I could track down client problems.  New features in the Android Marketplace for publishers means I should be getting stack traces directly in the publishing console… but I don’t, because they’re not being seen, because I’m sending those stack traces (in a much less efficient form) to Analytics.

So, analytics is gone, which will result in a better experience for all.

I’ll be pushing this onto the market shortly.

Guicing Android: Mobile Antipatterns

Dependency Injection via Guice is great, but it does what you tell it.  Sometimes, we need to do things that are counter to instinctive programming ideals when building agile, testable mobile applications to work around the constrained resources of mobile environments.  Spotting these problems in code reviews isn’t always easy, because most of them cross the boundary layer of a single class.  Their impact is measured on the cost of injecting a new instance, or the cost of constructing the injector itself.

Android has two major (and, generally, obvious) limitations that everyone using Guice should be aware of:  Call stack depth isn’t infinite, and Guice’s implementation is stack-hungry.  Here are some things to avoid if you’re looking to keep your stack footprint low:

  • Long constructor chains
    Foo needs a bar to construct.  Bar needs a Baz.  Baz needs a Bat.  Guice is going to eat a big chunk of call stack to find a constructor, find the parameters to that constructor, locate constructors for the parameters, etc…  Before you know it, you’ve blown your stack and thrown an error.
    Break these up by using field or method injection in place of constructor injection to shrink the stack depth, or using provider methods.  Where they make sense.  The problem with this, of course, is that the resulting fields are non-final, and that makes my eyes bleed to read.
  • Large object graphs
    I’m not suggesting composition is bad.  In fact, composition is almost always better, especially when it comes to anything remotely complex.  But think carefully when you compose, and try to find ways to use the composed instances lazily, by injecting a provider of the instance in place of the instance.
    Think about whether or not the class you have is just plain doing too much orchestration; consider doing a bit of functional decomposition of the problem domain.
  • Costly instance initialization
    The cost of creating an instance can be high, too - and not purely due to constructor chains being long. Consider delaying work outside of the constructor.  Think about whether the instances you’re creating in your constructor should be delayed until the method is called, and use providers of instances to move that cost.
  • Costly class initialization
    Arguably, one of the whole points of using injection is getting away from hand-built singletons and static references to critical objects.  If you’re doing this, you should think long and hard about whether you really want all that construction to live in the classloader, rather than when you needed it.
    If you’re looking to solve the robot legs problem, do it with annotated types.  @Left Leg and @Right Leg are better than private static final Leg LEFT and RIGHT, and push the job of construction down to its use, and out of the classloader window.
    If you’re looking to solve a singleton problem, use a @Singleton.  Avoid it where it makes sense to do so.
    Last, if you’re trying to build complex maps, consider Guava’s MapMaker implementation, which can build maps of complex types by supplying a generator function at the time of lookup, rather than at the time of wrapper class creation.
  • Contexts and Quasi-Singletons
    If you’ve got an object with a strange lifecycle, create that lifecycle - @Request scope is a great example in Servlet-land, and you’ll doubtlessly find others if you look around carefully.  It separates the lifecycle from the code that depends on the data, so that you’re not littering your code with details about what needs to live when and where, or creating messy context objects that might better have been represented by a scope.
  • Singletons and Static Injection
    A well-placed singleton, along with a bit of constructor chaining and lots of tight coupling, can load your whole object graph when your app launches, stopping up your startup.  Think long and hard about what really needs to be a singleton; inject providers instead of instances where possible to reduce the cost of that singleton.
    When using static injection, think about how you’d have written your code to avoid it, and then do that.  When you can’t, use providers of instances in place of instances to decouple where possible.

Guice won’t magically make your application lazily load its required classes and instances.  You can burn memory and stack by building highly dependent object graphs - Guice isn’t afraid to throw a verbose stack trace, as you’ve probably encountered previously; what it does is complex, and while it’s possible to inline all that code, it wouldn’t leave Guice very maintainable.

Constructors should ideally be slim and svelte.  They should ensure they have exactly what they need to be constructed with, and those things which can sensibly be delayed until first use should be.

Ultimately, Guice is doing what you ask it to; if you ask it to build you a tightly coupled object graph, it will do so.  You have the tools to implement lazily-dependent object graphs, should you choose to do so - and in mobile environments, where latency is critical, you should make every effort to do so in critical areas of your codebase.  Record the amount of time it takes to perform critical operations; you can even report that back to centrally through metrics gathering like the Google Analytics client, which will give you a feel for your performance profile on different devices and operating system revisions. 

Make metric-driven decisions.  Don’t prematurely optimize, and when it comes time to do so, make careful decisions about decoupling.  Gather metrics from your deployed applications to help you locate problems and improve quality.

I wish you luck.